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Raúl Zaldívar
Áreas de interés
International Law
Critical study of the bible
Systematic Yheology
Raúl Zaldívar, was a professor of economic integration law at the University of Honduras in 1992. Rector of the Honduran Theological Seminary (SETEHO) from 1993 – 1997 , where he also served as a professor of Bible and Systematic Theology. He was the executive secretary of the Latin American Association of Theological Education Institutions (ALIET) from 1996 – 1998. From 1999 to 2006 he served as director of the Bible Institute of the Church of the Nazarene in Chicago. He became the president of University for Leaders in 2006; today Alef University.
01.THPR – 12 Research Methods and TechniquesStudy in this course focuses on the general theory of research. It studies the aspects of both form and substance that must be taken into account by the researcher. The goal is that the student is able to carry out research work of the highest quality. The class summary bibliography can be found at:
02.THBI – 12 Biblical criticismIn this course, students will study the six most common forms of biblical criticism, such as textual, literary, form, historical, linguistic, and editorial criticism. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
03.THHI – 01 History of the ChurchIn this course, twenty centuries of history are developed, addressing topics such as: The foundation of the Christian faith, the papacy, relevant events of the Middle Ages, the Reformation, movements in England, the Church in the United States, and the Church in Latin America. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
04.THSI – 04 Systematic TheologyIt is a fascinating study of the ten branches of Systematic Theology, beginning with the introductory aspects of theology and the evolution of theological thought in Latin America. It is important to note that this study is carried out from a Latin American perspective without sacrificing the general themes of traditional theology. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
05.THPR – 19 Sacred OratoryThis course is a general theory of preaching that goes from the introductory concepts of the subject to the presentation of the sermon on social networks. The study includes everything related to the speech, the speaker, how it derives, how it is organized, how it is structured and finally how it is presented to the public. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
06.THEX – 18 Biblical ExegesisThe importance of biblical exegesis is studied, its different methods, the importance it has for biblical interpretation. Apply Historical-Critical exegetical methods to the different passages that the student will study. This is an introductory course that will give the student the basic tools to do exegetical work. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
07.THSI – 03 Theology in human thoughtThis is a panoramic study of human philosophy, from Thales of Miletus to contemporary philosophers. Study especially, those points in which the philosophers spoke about God and the most important metaphysical issues. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
08.THSI – 06 Christ and salvationA careful study of the doctrine of Christ and salvation is carried out. This is a course that will give the student the basic concepts of Christology and soteriology in order to determine when a doctrine does not meet Christological and soteriological, biblical and systematic criteria. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
09.THHI – 06 Patristic and Medieval TheologyThis course has to do with the origin and development of the doctrines of Christianity that arose in the Middle Ages both with the fathers of the Church and with other theologians and that have undoubtedly shaped the theological thought of the Church to the present day. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
10.THSI – 05 Contemporary TheologyIt is a study of the various thoughts that have emerged from the 19th and 20th centuries, especially German theology and other European, American and Latin American thinkers. This course shows the reaction of man towards the traditional dogmas of the Church and the historical evolution of theological thought. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
11.THHI – 07 History of Latin American ThoughtA historical journey is made from the Christianization of the continent by the Spanish and the establishment of the Church. The line of thought is drawn from the Second Vatican Council, passing through the theology of liberation, then the theological thought of both the Latin American Episcopal Council and the Latin American Congress of Evangelization are studied. The summary bibliography of the class can be found at:
12.THHI – 08 Christian Thought and the Church of the 21st CenturyIt is the study of the way of seeing of people from different cultures of Christianity, thus molding a point of view that only shows us one angle of the truth. In this sense, Anglo, Hispanic, African, Asian theology is studied, as well as the thought of contemporary movements such as the apostolic - prophetic, among others. The class summary bibliography can be found at:
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