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The Sources that Gave Origin to the New Testament

The object of this research work, converted into a book and entitled: The sources that gave rise to the New Testament, is the study of the literary sources that served to build the framework of theological thought that we find embodied in the pages of the NT in concepts such as that of a Messiah, the final judgment , hell, etc. 


Namely, the abundant Jewish literature that emerged in the so-called "Intertestamental Period", as is the case of la apocalyptic, y that laid the foundation for much of Christian theology. And the books considered deuterocanonical or called apocryphal by the Protestant tradition, but which were valued and taken into account  by the editors of the NT, and therefore constitute an important source.

Also the Jewish oral tradition collected by the rabbis in el Talmud; o the writings produced and jealously guarded by the sect of the Essenes in the caves of Qumran near the Dead Sea, the object of a chance discovery in 1947, books not included in the Tanakh canon, commentaries, calendars, prayers and norms of the community, and that are key to understanding the environment in which the NT  was written

And finally, the apocryphal literature of the New Testament, not as a source for the canonical books, but as proof of the existence of ancient sources common to both the canonical and apocryphal evangelists, y served as a pattern in the selection of the biblical canon.

The Sources that Gave Origin to the New Testament

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